Blog Journal 8

Using Weebly to create a teacher website was cool because of how much liberty users have in designing the overall vibe that the website gives. Weebly made it easy to change certain features of the website (like the order of the navigation tab at the top) using block structures that can be simply moved and modified with minimal effort. It was nice to also practice using the design principles of contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity. I wanted the website to promote calmness, so the color palette for the background of each page is a simple combination of blue with white and black. The elements of each page are aligned to be read through from top-to-bottom. The background photos are all readable (dark photos have light text and vice versa). The pictures relate (or are neutral) to the content on each page and add to the aesthetic of the website. The groups of text are appropriately spaced so the reader can distinguish them. A lot of schools require teachers to make a personal website, so I can definitely see myself continuing to make websites in the future. Of course, it would be fun to make more academic websites, like this one I made as a resource for a hypothetical third-grade class I could have in the future.

 I don't usually use AI software often. If I do, it's usually because I'm bored and I can't think of anyone I want to talk with. It might sound a little weird, but just try asking Chat GPT "Can you rap about ____?". I have also seen that some apps I use regularly like YouTube Music can generate thumbnails for playlists with AI art. I tend to avoid using AI programs for writing because I feel more comfortable writing a paper knowing that the content is original and in my writing style. Nonetheless, it's always helpful to be able to practice writing in my own style. I think it's important to encourage students and professionals to build their own writing style, especially in the education field where plagiarism is a recurring issue.

In an academic sense, I have used Chat GPT to find out the definitions of words and use them in a sentence. For example, I recently asked, "What is the definition of 'steadfast'?". Chat GPT gave me the word's figure of speech (it's an adjective), a definition, and an example of the word used in a sentence. I also saw further suggestions about what I could ask about the word "steadfast", like in what situations would people have to be steadfast or synonyms for "steadfast". My perception of AI has mostly stayed the same after using it in class; referring to what I said last paragraph, AI mostly just helps me with ideas or inspiration in case I need it, otherwise I like to do most of the work. 

I believe that AI tools could enhance my productivity by filling in small blanks of work that I might need help with. I mean this especially regarding the use of AI images because the use of AI images is convenient (to an extent) with time-sensitive projects. In my teaching job, AI could possibly help me with lesson planning by giving me ideas; having at least a foundation on what types of activities I could do with my students allows me to plan more effectively instead of being stuck on brainstorming what activity to choose. Although I am open to using AI to help me do my job, I would most likely use it if I truly needed it because I aim to set an example for my students to try doing something themselves rather than making AI do it for them.


  1. hey, I think that the style for this website is pretty good. it's also pretty easy to navigate, very nice!

  2. Hey Armando! First of all I just wanted to add that your blog looks amazing! Now on to your website, I thought it was equally amazing. It looked so pretty and it was very easy to read, I liked how you had different examples on there. Really good job!!


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